Why is commitment such a complicated factor in today's relationships? In the story FJ, Frankie does whatever she can to make Johnny happy but he still decides to commit to another person. On the other hand, in the story GITSD, Frances and Michael are in a happy and committed marriage but Frances cannot stand the thought of her husband admiring another woman. There are several key differences in the theme of commitment between the stories FJ and GITSD. The first difference between the two relationships is Commitment. FJ points out, "He said was her man, but he was doing her wrong." Frankie loved Johnny, to the point where she ended his life so that he could not have the chance to be with another woman. Johnny wanted to be involved with other women and Frankie was not okay with it. "The second time she shot him there was a new mans face in hell." To Johnny, commitment was not part of their relationship and it did not matter to him. Contrastingly, in the story GITSD, Frances and Michael had the whole package when it comes to Robert Trotters system; for example, they had Intimacy, Commitment, and Passion. In the words of Irwin Shaw, "...because they had slept late and had a good breakfast and it was Sunday." Although Frances could not stand the idea of her husband looking at another woman, Michael certainly only had a heart and eyes for Frances and was only committed to she. He said he liked to look at women, but Frances truly took his words the wrong way. "Michael watched her walk, thinking what a pretty girl, what nice legs.", Says Irwin Shaw. The second difference between the two relationships is Passion. FJ points out, "Spend hundreds of dollars just to buy her man some clothes." In the story FJ, both characters do not seem to be passionate towards each other. Frankie, the girl fighting for her boyfriends love, goes above and beyond for Johnny's attention and gratitude. Whereas Johnny, "Just loving up Nellie Bligh." notes FJ, can car