A study has been currently going on observing how students engage in their school. The study is determining whether they are either increasing in their human capital or decreasing in their human capital. Human capitol in this tense means their investment in their own education. Actually in this study the control group are students in school from grades 7 through 11. In this study 1,148 African American and European American adolescents were tested upon. Out of those tested subjects 52% were females, 56% were black, 34% were white, and 10% were other races. The experimental group in this observation were categorized by school participation, sense of school belonging, and self-regulated learning. During this study the observers have separated their study in three different subjects of engagement. The first type of interaction is behavioral engagement, second is emotional engagement, and the third engagement is cognitive engagement. Behavioral engagement is how the students pay attention to a lesson whether it is interactive or lectured. Emotional engagement is having the proper attitude in the learning environment, meaning being prepared to learn, striving for greatness in the school, and always staying positive. Cognitive engagement is being self-motivated to want to learn and constantly keeping a creative mindset which opens opportunities for questions. These engagements indirectly defines how the student will do in the learning environment. The Stage-Environment fit theory explains that if the student is not fully applying these engagements in the learning environment then a decline in their education may occur and they may eventually give up and not strive for higher goals nor higher education. The theory also states that if the student does fully apply the engagements then the results become opposite. What may happen if a student is not engaged? (Analysis) Overall this article was very appealing and kept me as the reader attentive.