
Observing Negative Body Language

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One day, after school, I went to my grandparents’ house instead of going home because I was having a bad day. I was hungry and I really wanted to seek comfort from my grandparents. I was really close to my grandparents since they helped raise me with my parents. They especially helped my mother when my parents divorced while I was in elementary school. My abuela (Spanish for grandmother) always cooked me food because she was always worried I wasn’t eating well. My abuelo (Spanish for grandfather) always asked the same questions every time I was there and was very nosy in my life after my dad left. Anyways, that day, I had woken up late, got to my first class late, didn’t have any Dunkin’ Donuts for breakfast, fell asleep in my first two classes and I was having a bad hair day. While I was at my grandparents’ house, they were making my day even worse. My abuela kept getting mad at me because I didn’t want to eat and my abuelo kept laughing because he thought it was funny that I was irritated. They just instigated my anger even more and kept trying to make me feel better; they kept saying that it’s okay to be frustrated because it’s alright that I was having a bad day and my grandma kept trying to massage my shoulders to make me feel better. My body was very tense and kept getting even tenser. I kept biting my lip to not yell at them and say something stupid. I was refusing to look at them because I knew if I did, I was going to get even more irritated. I kept taking shallow breaths like I had just finished running a cross-country marathon. After I while, my thoughts and my irritation just got worse and I yelled at them. I told them to shut up, to leave me alone and to go away because they’re making me angrier. I regretted it afterwards because I felt bad that I yelled at them, but my abuela didn’t care; she called me animal and walked away, while my abuelo just laughed, patted my head and walked away. I got up immed

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