
Conflict as an Opportunity

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The article I want to review is “Conflict as an opportunity” by Alan Sharland. The article throws light on the positive aspects of conflicts and brings to light the opportunities it carries with itself. “Conflict is the beginning of consciousness”- Mary Esther Harding. The above quote by Harding reflects very well on one of the most important aspects of conflicts. According to Harding, conflict is inevitable and when a conflict happens, it is then when we come to consciousness, about the impacts, aspects of the conflict. We then sit with ourselves and reason whether the conflict was required, and if so, whether I played my part responsibly? Whether I could have dealt with the situation differently? There are a lot of questions with which we assess ourselves. In a way we start to reason with our consciousness. The article discusses on the approach one should have when involving in conflict. To turn the course of events in the light of conflict into a positive one, such that to understand whether the conflict would result in positive change and growth or shall be a long and stressful one is in fact in our hands. When there is a conflict in the workplace, we can choose whether to have a distant relationship with the individual or we can also choose to be gain insight, learn and connect with him or her on a more personal level. The choice is really in our hands. If we allow the conflict to spoil the positive relationship which we could have had, that it really is our fault. On the other hand, if we work collaboratively to understand the cause of the conflict and work progressively to avoid such circumstances in the future, we can indeed turn conflict into an opportunity. Conflict can be discussed in two ways, which is: 1. Ineffective response to conflict 2. Effective response to conflict. The article throws light on the causes and effects of both the above kinds of responses to the conflict. If we take the ineffective response to

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