During the period of World War 1, the First sergeants often carried a book in their pockets that contained administrative files. This book which today is known as “leader’s book” contained the name of everyone in the company and their professional history (AWOLs, work habits, promotions, etc.) this book was passed from first sergeant to first sergeant, staying within the company and providing unit historical information. This book as called the black book. This book is now called the leaders book and is now used by platoon sergeants to keep track what goes on in their platoon. The leader’s book is divided into 8 Chapters. The first chapter is about a soldier’s personal data. Keeping a record of the soldier’s privacy act statements, daily personal status, awards, etc. Chapter 1 of the Leader’s Book The first thing is the soldier’s privacy act statement which mean that the soldier authorizes their leadership to maintain their SSN and personal information in his/hers leaders book with the understanding that this information will not be disclosed except in the line of his/her official duties. The next thing that would go in this leader’s book is the daily personnel status. It is a form that leaders use to write down of where all their soldiers are and what they are doing to ensure accountability. Also if there was to be an emergency they would know where their soldier would be and how to locate them if their phones happened not to work anymore. Following that is the soldier’s personal data sheet. It usually asks for the soldier’s information like date of birth and social security number. Also their uniform size and boot size. This sheet should have everything about the soldier. Counseling’s come after that have all the soldiers counseling’s and making sure that they are done in the appropriate time, it is pretty much a reminder to ensure everything is turned in at the right time. The awards sheet follow the counseling’s. It’s just a tracker of who all received an award or will eventually receive one in the future. Then we have the unresolved soldier issue. It tracks of which soldier has problems and what their situation is. It helps the platoon sergeant know what is going on with his soldiers whether it being money issue or family problems the platoon sergeant is always tracking of what is going with this sheet and so he is able to get the soldier help that he/she needs. Also it is the soldier’s responsibility to pass this information up the chain of command to ensure that the platoon sergeant receives this information. The last thing that goes in is the section strip map to the soldier’s home. It is important that this goes in so that if something happens to the soldier or to his family they have the information and direction of how to get to this soldiers home. Also if the soldier is missing and he or she is late for a formation or just does not show up to their respective place of work the platoon sergeant can send a team leader or squad leader to go check on the soldiers home also with that the information written the strip map will make getting to the soldiers home a lot easier than trying to guess around which neighborhood or home this soldier resides in. Chapter 2 goes over battle focus. “The object of a war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his”- general George S Patton. This chapter goes over how to prepare for a combat situation. For example packing lists, platoon convoy management list, and deployment sequence events. This whole section deals with deployment related subjects. The first thing that goes in is the sample 5 paragraph operation order. The OP order is a plan format meant to assist subordinate units with the conduct of military operations. It is a guide so that the platoon sergeant makes sure everything is going accordingly and that nothing is missed when preparing for the mission. It walks the platoon sergeant step by step so that the soldier have information about what is happening and what to prepare for right before going on a mission. Second goes the pre combat check list. The pre combat checklist makes sure all soldier have the right equipment on them and that they are not missing any mission essential item. For example tie downs on weapons or special equipment needed for the mission that they are about to conduct. Without doing pre combat checks could potentially make a mission go bad or get someone hurt for not having certain equipment like making sure the soldier has his plates so that the soldier doesn’t end up getting shot and getting killed instantly because they did not conduct pre combat checks. Pre combat checks apply to vehicles to not just what is on the soldier and the special equipment’s they carry. The soldier must make sure that their vehicle is fully operational when they roll