
How to Potty Train a Toddler

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Potty training two simple words, that, when said to a parent of a child between the ages of two and four, can stir up feelings of fear and dread. Yet for many toddlers, potty training can be an experience that is easy and without struggle. Then why are there so many differences between the way toddlers potty train? A lot of is has to do with the age that the child is trained, methods used to train the child, and whether or not the toddler is a boy or a girl. The main fact about potty training is that it takes time, understanding and patience. First thing that has to be decided is the child ready to be potty trained. There is no set time to start training your toddler but eighteen months and above is ideal. Up until that time your child does not have bowel and bladder control, so starting before then can cause frustration for your child and yourself. I asked my mother, what was the age that she started to potty train me and my siblings? Around two and a half years old is when she started to train my brother, but said potty training me and my younger sister we wanted train sooner. So how does a parent know when to start potty training? My mother laughed and said “There is no “perfect” age to start every child is different they will give you signs?” In my head I could see my little one year old holding a sign saying, Hey mommy I’m ready to potty train. Obviously that is not what she meant so my next question was what type of signs did we show? “She said all kids show different signs you will know. She said we would stay dry for several hours, we could follow simple commands and of course hearing the wonderful poopy and pee-pee talk while eating snack.” Now to figure out what products you will want to get for your toddler. There are the famous pulls up which are like diaper underwear or the washables that are like actual underwear. You just need to figure out which ones will be more convenient for you. I asked my mother

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