The impressions we have towards our own parents are different from others’ impressions to their parents because we all have different lifestyles and obviously different family customs. When we first start to remember memories as a child, we see our parents as like a tour guide, teaching us life values. During those childhood years we build up our experiences with everyday life and our relationship with our parents. As we get older we see our parents differently because we have outside influences like school, friends, media, etc. Ultimately, our childhood view on our parents will be drastically different from our teenage view on our parents. When I was a child I viewed my parents in a good way. They always took me places and bought me things. I always wanted to be around them all the time because they always made me happy. My childhood years to me are considered the best years of my life. When my parents took me places, I remember having lots of fun and I remember my parents were very enthusiastic about taking me to new places. I never knew how hard my parents worked until I gained the knowledge to understand. I now truly appreciate everything they have done for me. When I started my middle school career, I knew from the beginning that everything would be totally different. What I did not know was that my attitude with my parents would change. Nobody really notices change until we experience it. As I can recall during middle school, I started having my own opinions and making my own choices different that what my parents would have chosen. My parents and I have had many conflicts based on my personal opinions and choices which have shaped my view on them. My personality has changed so much since my childhood years that I know it definitely has change based on outside influences. My high school experience has definitely changed my impression on my parents the most. High school is the final door we have to cross until we get to the re