
Should Women Work Outside the Home?

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In the Mohammed Akade Osman’s essay, “Should A Woman Work Outside Home?”, he declares that the work of woman outside the home is for social independence and financial freedom is a superficial and very narrow definition of a woman's freedom. He observes there are so many bad influences in societies where women work outside their homes. There are many social problems that women who work outside home do. They certainly doesn’t mean to make that bad influences happen. But all that problems are connected to this woman-work-outside phenomenon. I partly agree to Mohammed Akade Osman’s ideas in this essay. From my personal experiences, evidences of this phenomenon that Mohammed Akade Osman tells, is really happened among my friends. In this essay, Mr. Mohammed Akade Osman takes a view from religious view. The Bible and Koran state that woman should stay at home and do housework. Jobs in world is basically differentiated by sex too. Women who do men’s job will loss her grace as a woman. I ever went to Bali Island where a part of women there do men’s job. Women from destitute family there work as a coolie. That’s not a good scenery certainly. Then, Mr. Mohammed states that women are created to cooking, cleaning, raising baby and other kind houseworks. Women eho work outside house will ignore their children activities and what they children’s feeling or their children’s obstacles in their schools. So, their children cannot be disciplined from many kind of banned activity in their age. I agree to this statement very much because I have a friend that has parent who both o them work outside and he was left to the maid babysitter only. Meanwhile, I am a girl from a nice family i think. My mother is not that kind of that woman or a career woman type. My mother stays at home to fully care of her children. So, my friend who doesn't has that kind mother type is so envy to me, to my mother full attention to me. They said that I was a

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