Eating habits around the world are different. People eat different types of food at certain times, whereas other people eat the same food at any time, also the manner which they eat is different. Moroccan cuisine reflects the influence of Africa, The Middle East, and Europe. It is considered one of the most important cuisines in the world. Also the cuisine of the United States reflects its history, so it has a variety of cooking styles and variety of ingredients. There are several similarities and differences between eating habits in Morocco and in America. Moroccan and American`s eating habits have several things in common. Both American and Moroccan have three main meals a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner. They consider that breakfast is very important, and lunch is the biggest eaten meal while dinner has less importance. Also, Morocco is similar to America in eating time. Breakfast time is between 7am and 10 am, lunch is served at mid-day from noon to 3 pm and the last meal is usually from 6 pm to 9 or 10 pm. In addition, Morocco is as similar as America`s appetizers entrees and desserts. They both start with a fresh salad or soup before having the main dish to ensure they daily fiber needs and to help their digestion. They both care sweets after a meal so they could have a completed nutrition that include fibers, proteins, vitamins, and sugar. However, Moroccan eating habits are different from the American in several ways. Whereas Moroccans eat with their hands, Americans eat with a fork and a knife. In Morocco people wash their hands first and eat with their thumb and the two first fingers from one big plate together. Americans eat only on separate plates with a fork and a knife, they even stop eating if someone touched their food. In addition, the use of the herbs and spices is not the same. Moroccan people use as much as a variety of spices in most dishes such as saffron, cumin, ginger, red garlic and turmeric, but Americans