Anxiety disorders can manifest themselves at any point in a person’s life. Imagine the pain of being a small child taken away from your parents at an early age. Imagine the anguish of not ever feeling good enough and thinking that if you were your parents would have kept you. Fast forward to years later as an adolescent trying your best to excel in everything, earn the best grades, and smile daily despite the agonizing pain that haunts your every waking moment. Imagine the feeling of having to question every decision, challenging every thought so you can be as close to perfection as possible. Although you try your hardest, you still do not reach what you believe is your full potential. Skip to years later as a teenager graduating high school and still having the same thoughts that have now matured into constant uncertainty and irrational fear. Dread of failure troubling you every day makes you second-guess your decisions and actions, even when they are right. For some reason a little voice is telling you that, you are wrong; try repeatedly. Stares are the number one thing to avoid. Stares open the door for more questions. Why are they staring? Is my shirt wrinkled? I knew this navy blue shirt with royal blue jeans was tacky. It gets worst until you finally take action and try your best to gain control of the relentless self-questioning and self-doubt. The only way for you to cope with this endless angst is to relax and clear your mind. Everyday exercise and resting make things more easily day by day. Years later, you are in college and it is your final year. On the outside people see a handsome, confident young woman but on the inside is a mentally and physically overwhelmed little girl constantly questioning everything inside and around her? General anxiety is a very serious disorder that is challenging to understand and even more challenging to treat. Like many other mental diseases, the exact cause of general anxiety is not kno