The film (500) Days of Summer follows Summer and Tom’s doomed relationship, flipping back and forth through the 500 days in which they know each other. The film is shown from Tom Hansen’s perspective, who aspires to become an architect but has worked for four years writing greeting cards. The two meet at work and Tom sees Summer Finn as alluring, smart and sexy. Tom is immediately infatuated with her, pursues her and quickly falls in love with her; despite her forewarning him she doesn't want anything serious. Summer gives Tom mixed messages by accepting and encouraging his romantic advances, then calling him just a friend. Tom experiences heavy mood swings depending on the success of their relationship, and asks his friends and little sister, Rachel, for love advice. Their relationship falls apart, Tom is a melancholy mess, Summer quits her job and the pair don’t see each other until they are on the same train for a mutual friend’s wedding. They reconnect over the weekend, flirting and dancing, and Tom finds himself falling for her again, until a week later he discovers she is engaged. He falls back into disrepair, drinking excessively and then quitting his job. He gets back on his feet and applies for architecture jobs. He bumps into Summer one last time before the movie ends. This film is about Tom’s journey of falling in love, and through that: self-discovery. His journey of self-discovery starts with Summer, who spins into his ordered life cyclonically. She has different values and opinions to Tom, and makes this very clear from the start; Summer: There's no such thing as love, its fantasy. Tom: Well I think you're wrong Summer: Okay well, what is it that I'm missing then? Tom: I think you know when you feel it Summer: I guess we can just agree to disagree. He also states that ever since a small boy, he has believed that he will never be truly happy until he finds ‘the one’. When he sees Summer, he immediately kn