Andre Dubus’s “Killings,” takes place in 1979 in Massachusetts on an August morning. It appears to explore a man and woman’s complex emotions of dealing with their sons untimely death due to a vicious murder caused by acts of jealousy, outrage, and hate. “Killings” brings real life situations to the limelight. The central idea for Dubus to write a story like this is to bring you drama, emotion, and to show the world that in a blink of an eye, your life could be finished due to someone else’s hatred and anger. Also, not only does Dubus want to show the world that your life could end at any moment, he also is teaching a lesson that you should take chances and live life before it is too late. Throughout the story, Dubus explains to his readers why Matt Fowler’s son was killed and the decision Matt decided to make in order to get even with the killer and justice for his son. The story begins with Matt Fowler and his wife, Ruth, burying their twenty-one year old son, Frank, who was shot by Richard Strout-a hot tempered, jealous, maniac. Frank was dating Richard’s ex-wife, Mary Ann, but despite the fact that Richard and Mary Ann had broken up, he didn’t like Frank moving into his territory. The first time Richard saw Mary Ann and Frank together, he wanted to teach Frank a lesson by brutally beating him up that Frank had “stitches over his right eye and both lips bright and swollen” (Dubus 113). After the ruthless attack, Frank did not the message to stay away, so for Richard to get rid of him once and for all, he killed him at Mary Ann’s house in front of her two boys. Since the death, Ruth, Matt’s wife, sees Richard everywhere she goes and can’t stand it. Seeing the murderer of her son walking the streets everywhere she turn is killing Ruth and seeing his wife in a frenzy, is killing Matt which is why he sets out a revenge on Richard to bring justice to his son. Matt Fowler starts his revenge by showing up a