
Marriage and Divorce

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The family is a social group characterized by common residence, economic cooperation and reproduction. It includes adults of both sexes, at least two of whom maintain a socially approved sexual relationship, and one or more children, own or adopted, of the sexually cohabiting adults based on Murdock point of view on family. Many see marriage as the bedrock of a stable and civilized society. Divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body. The family is an institution that is central to society and functions to satisfy the sexual needs of adults, as a unit for human reproduction and socialization of children into norms, belief and values of society. Divorce is a form of dysfunctional family which implies the lack of capacity to maintain their marital status. The burden in functional marriage rests on the woman because of her compassionate concerns towards the family. The functionalist view would support traditional and historical family norms to reduce divorce rate. The main reason of changes in the rates of marriage and divorce is because of the change in role of women in the society. Women in the 21st century has the power to do something about their unhappy marriage. The main reason of unhappy marriage is due to domestic violence, unrealistic dreams, communication gaps and lack of time and commitments. Based on statistics, in 1946, 45% of petition were by wives and by the year 1986-1990 735 of petitions increased. The idea of a lifelong marriage blessed by god is clearly less significant now than previous. Feminist argue that functionalist fails to explain why it’s mainly women who seek divorce. Furthermore, changes in law may also be the causes of changes in the rates of marriage and divorce. Divorced used to be extremely difficult to obtain in the 19th century, especially foe women. In the 20th century, legal changes made divorce easier such as equalising the grounds of divorce between sexes, w

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