
Societal Impact of Abortion

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There once was a time where life in America was idealistic with a white picket fence, flowers, and cut green grass in front of a well kept family home, which housed a mother, father, and their active, beautiful children. This sounds almost like a joke or mockery of what once was, but was so long ago that it is now archived only in libraries and depicted in satire films and media. Sadly, this once normal way of life had an abrupt change when abortion was legalized and accountability for actions was released from social fears and responsibilities. Accepting abortion as a freedom of choice is society's majority way of thinking; however there are still many who differ in this belief and diligently give their time to educate and make aware on the harms of abortion. The organization, Concerned Women for America, in their article, Abortions Impact on Society, analyzes the effects of abortions since the passing of the milestone decision by the United States Supreme Court, Roe v. Wade. They adopt a stern tone in order to convey to their readers that the idea of abortion has only impacted society in a negative way. In Abortions Impact on Society, Concerned Women for America uses logos and pathos to convince young, liberal, non-Christian females that abortion is morally wrong. Logos Concerned Women for America uses a sufficient amount of evidence to convince females that abortion has caused the nation to crumble because of selfish moral misconduct. When America legalized abortion in the 1973 case of Roe v. Wade, it's “Decriminalized” new moral judgement has had a damaging impact on both men and women. As the article states, abortion was to bring freedom and empowerment to women, but instead has encouraged men with no responsibility, making women more vulnerable. Women who choose an abortion, strip themselves of the natural instinct to nurture, and men who encourage it abandon their important role as a provider and protector. Women began engaging in sex with no circumspection, proving their “equality.” An increasing rate of domestic violence has surfaced since the Roe decision over 30 years ago. A conservative estimate based on reporting approximated 1.9 women who are physically assaulted annually in the United States. About 500,000 rapes or assaults are reported by woman annually which more than half are committed by friends or acquaintances. Sadly there were 60,000 reported child-abuse incidents reported in 1972 and just 4 years later that number passed over half a million and by 1997 a million children suffered from abuse and neglect. The evidence from the article conveys a clear message that abortion should not be tolerated. Concerned Women for America uses logic and hard facts to acknowledge that abortion and crime go hand in hand. Sydna Masse founded a post-abortion ministry and also works with the Prison Fellowship. She found a connection between these two in that “ the emotional impact of abortion often drives women to destructive, sometime criminal, behavior.” Statistics show that since 1989 women entering

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