If destiny is a palpable idea, it is supposed to have everything we’ll ever do for ourselves and for others before the independent idea comes to our minds. However, if someone “changes their own destiny” doesn't it mean that it was their destiny to do so all along? Historically, everything has been concocted before and was simply followed precisely by each line. We believe that we have a power to choose, however the freedom may not exist, and if it doesn't then will people change their ways and just believe that what is going to happen will happen? Everything that has ever happened and everything that will continue to happen will all be apart of an already planned future. The universe had planned for anything and everything to happen, the good and the bad. Every war and every death was planned as soon as whomever is associated with the event was born. However, in the past people are known to have “changed their destiny” but if destiny exists than would that already be in that same persons destiny? Should we just allow our destiny to take us and stop trying? As a person, we have a perpetual feeling of freedom. We could decide to go eat twenty pounds of gummy bears or simply end our lives. However, we do not know if that is our desire to do so, or a greater powers desire for us. As humans, we believe we are at the top of the food chain, we control everything and the only thing we must worry about is other of our kind, but did we get here on our own greater will or because it was already planned to happen. Nevertheless, the question is, do we have true freedom or is it an our own will an illusion? If everything we done and have yet to do is already compiled into our own story, does that change how we will live our lives, will we change the way we live or continue on as if we had never encountered the revelation. We as people strive to do our hardest to accomplish the goals we set for ourselves and we equally blame ourselves fo