Over the course of several years, there were many unfortunate violent incidents that shocked the nation. For example, the Sandy Hook Shooting in Newton, Connecticut that killed 26 people and left many injured. Another incident that happened was in Aurora, Colorado where a gunman went on a rampage resulting in 50 wounded and 12 dead. Most people often tied those violent incidents back to the influence of violent video games that are available. This issue is considered by Alice Park, a Time writer, in her article, “Little by Little, Violent Video Games Make us More Aggressive.” Also, Kathryn Doyle, a writer from Reuters explained the issue in her article, “Violent Video Games May be Tied To Aggressive Thoughts.” Although violent video games will not change a normal kid into a school shooter over night, but is a risk that people should start paying attention to.Violent video games can cause aggressive behavior because it teaches children that violence is cool and acceptable, violence is the way to solve conflict, and it desensitizes children. One reason violent video games can cause aggressive behavior is because it shows children that violence is cool and acceptable. Children often play video games that are trendy and popular to fit in with their friends even if the game involves violence. For example, one of the most popular games right now is Grand Theft Auto Five (GTA5.) The game promotes a lot of violence, nudity, offensive language, and drugs. The game is rated “m for mature”,but most children as young as 12 years old can get this game. I myself have experienced the game and although the violence in the game is fictional, it still shows that violence is cool and acceptable. Age and maturity is also a factor to whether kids think violent is cool or acceptable. Violence video games often have more of a negative effect on younger kids because they are not fully matured. Doyle states, “Younger children seem to have a la