Piracy can be committed by anyone. A common name used for people who commit piracy are pirates. Piracy can cause numerous consequences. Some consequences include: hindrance of creativity, ignorance from the big problem from the community, and influence on young people. Piracy is very serious, many people get hurt in the process. Maybe not physically, but definitely emotionally. So why should we continue Piracy? Does it actually deserve to continue? What do you think Piracy is? Is it a good thing? Or is it bad? Have a think as I continue. Piracy is the unauthorised use or reproduction of another’s work. Many items are able to be pirated. Items such as movies, books, shows, games etc. These are only a few of them. Piracy can be very hard to control, especially since it has risen so much in popularity and can happen anywhere around the world. There are also many people required to complete this process. A creative thinker, an investor, a researcher, adviser, marketer and most likely a variety of others to achieve the desired outcome. In the meantime pirates are waiting to find out how exactly the product can be pirated. The moment the information floats into the internet world the product is copied, pirated or imitated. At this moment piracy has occurred. These so called pirates only work for self-interest. Let’s start from where piracy comes into place? Creativity begins with a person. Anyone has the power to be creative. Think about it, we in our everyday lives have so many new innovations around us. I bet that while I am saying these very words someone is thinking of a new idea right now. Creativity leads to new ideas which then transform into a process to produce innovative and efficient products for consumers. This involves an enormous investment of time, effort and money. Since the continuous use of piracy will hinder people from wanting to come up with new ideas and use their hard earned money to invest in them only for another one of their ideas to be pirated. Piracy may also stop or hamper the development of already existing ideas. Piracy is not just hurting the livelihood of people who invest in the making of a new product, it is also causing the death of creativity all