I sit here, starring at my computer, pondering to myself how time has flown by. I can remember waking up, with the sun shinning and the birds singing their songs, so excited to start my first day of kindergarten. I put on my new sketchers that light up on every step that I take. Those were more of a necessity than a backpack at that age. If you did not have those shoes, be prepared to sit by yourself at lunchtime eating the Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich and snack pack that your mother has put into your lunchbox that has your favorite superhero on it. I was so excited to see what and who lies ahead of me. I wanted to make friends to have play dates with. I just didn’t want to be alone anymore. That was 13 years ago. Now I am a freshman in college and soon enough I’ll have a job, be married, have a family, the whole nine yards. From my first day of kindergarten to my first day of freshman year in college, I have acquired a plethora of knowledge in a variety of studies. From Biology to English history to computer science, I’ve learned it all but the one that is the most important is the ability to read, write and communicate properly. The foundation of literacy for myself can go all the way back to first grade. “BEEP BEEP BEEP” Another morning where my alarm clock screams at me to get out of bed. I’m half asleep trying to put my shirt on and find my backpack. I’m still excited to go to school but only to see my friends at this point. I mean come on, who really gets excited about having to do work? Yes it was only first grade and granted we really did not have that much on our plates, but at the time I still was not the most thrilled kid. I arrive to school, jump out of the car, and hear my mother scream “I love you!” I try to not acknowledge it. Give her a little wave and scurry into my class. I didn’t want to be that little momma’s boy. My mom didn’t understand that she was embarrassing. I had to create my rep