
The Gender Oppression of Boys

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According to (how to crack the code of men 1998), the myth that men are unfeeling creates damaging relationship problems. That’s why there are differences between women and men in the emotional and social progress. Also, there is a major difference between raising a girl and a boy. Boys tend to be more violent while girls are raised to be more sensitive. However boys are harder in raising than girls in many different things, in communication, self esteem, school and in discipline. Boys and girls are ridiculously different on so many levels. Such as the way of communication, girls tend to be emotional while boys are feeling less. Parents are the main reason behind that men are hard-hearted. As a consequence, men take huge responsibility at young age, for example, taking care of their younger siblings in the absence of the father. Another sample; which men have to work hard and get exquisite grades as they will also be responsible for their own family. Therefore, that is a weight on their shoulders. Traditions also play a great deal on shutting boys feelings down. As the traditions are made by the society, so they always tell men to stop complaining about their sorrows and keep it together. However, when men are exposed to a certain emotional situation, the society puts them under the pressure of keeping their feelings inside and not letting them out. It feels like they are forced to act ridiculously, like it is a must. As a result, that affects them as they grow up. It is a long term effect! All of these problems may cause side effects to their lives on so many levels. Such as, they may be turned to violence as a solution. For example, most of the boys have chaotic problems as they cannot follow the rules that are made for discipline. As, we all have known men are always the one who commit violent crimes. According to single sex schools, boys have a highly record on fighting. Therefore, their aggressiveness is taken to the next level

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