C.S. Lewis said, “Someday you’ll be old enough to start reading fairytales again.” Our parents will hold our hands until the day we will hold theirs. We are born a blank page, then from the first minute, the process of learning and filling that page begins. From our first breath we take in, till the last one, we still experience and change throughout our lives. Childhood is one of the stages we have the right to pass through in order to become who we are. It is a stage characterized by innocence, motivation, and freedom. On the other hand, adulthood, considered as a stable stage; it is symbolized by experience, expectations, and responsibilities. However, one comes to learn that both are transitional stages, which continue to change each person all their life time; in addition, a lesson will be learned through out not only childhood, but also adulthood. Innocence is a simplicity or more like, a purity. A child is like an empty box, explicit and plain; who through out it‘s life begins to fill it with experiences. A child can never think of anything evil or major, yet you can impress it by the smallest things. For example, my baby cousin lives in his own world, his Lala land. A world full of love, hope, curiosity, dreams, and imagination. If he sees someone sad, he runs up to him and gives him a hug trying to make him feel better. He lacks the wisdom of life, which is differentiating between right and wrong. For instance, sometimes he burps loudly not realizing it’s inappropriate. Furthermore, as a result of this innocence, motivation of a child can be one of the easiest processes. Motivation nourishes almost all types of child’s behaviors. You can usually get a child to be enthusiastic, or stop him from doing some mistakes by following the psychological methods of reinforcement. In fact, this was proven by the psychology behavioral theorist, B.F Skinner, who believes development of a child depends on a reaction towards stimuli and reinforcement. To elaborate more, a chocolate, a cookie, or any type of sweet a child prefers c