Rome was once controlled by a crazy man named Nero. Toward the end of his ruling, Nero burnt down the city of Rome. He blamed it on the Jewish people. Basically everything was burnt down, and many people were killed from this horrible act. After the fire, Nero killed more people of Rome, just for being a Christian. Once everything was cleared out from the fire, Nero continues to build himself a palace, Domus Aurea. This palace was right in the middle of Rome and was built to be beyond beautiful. There were beautiful bath houses, gold fixtures around the house and even walls made of pure gold. To be able to build this beautiful house Nero enslaved the poor and heavily taxed the rich. Nero was not liked by many people in Rome - many actually hated him. The people of Rome hated Nero so much that he ended up killing himself by slitting his own throat, causing his time in power to come to an end. Following the death of Nero, Rome was then in political disarray. Rome went through four emperors within only one year. Finally Vespasian took the throne which then brought order back into Rome. One of the first things Vespasian did was tear down the magnificent palace that Nero had the people of Rome pay and build for him. Vespasian then decided to build the Coliseum as a gift for the people of Rome in replace of Nero’s beautiful palace. Unlike Nero, Vespasian did not enslave people to build this building or tax others to help pay for it. Instead Vespasian paid the hard working people of Rome to help build the coliseum with then helps the economy of Rome. Vespasian already had loads of money to be able to build this massive project. Although Vespasian used stolen treasure from the temple in Jerusalem to be able to pay for the coliseum, this is still much better that what Nero did to be able to build his own palace, and he also helped the people of Rome by creating many paying jobs. Vespasian unfortunately passed away before the coliseum was c