?On May 9, 2014 around 2 am, I woke up with extremely painful stomach cramps. I tried to use the bathroom, but nothing helped. I forced myself to lie back down. I was hoping lying flat on my stomach would help. Nothing helped, so that same morning I decided to skip work and go to see my doctor. I went to Sick Call located on Hanscom Air Force Base in Hanscom, MA. As I waited to be seen my stomach pain seemed to subside. When I was with the doctor I explained my symptoms and told how I felt (as far as my pain level). The doctor did some blood work and a urine test on me. I was told about 30 minutes later that I was pregnant. The first thing I asked the doctor was how that was possible since I currently had an IUD inside of me. I thought I could not get pregnant with one. I was instructed to go to the emergency room to have my IUD removed before it would cause further pain and the loss of my baby. ?As I drove to the hospital I started wondering how this was possible; how I could be pregnant. My OBGYN told me that the IUD was one of the most effective birth controls I could use. I knew we were not ready for another child. I had just gotten my promotion in the Army and was doing an amazing job as a recruiter. I became one the best Army Reserve recruiters in Boston since the previous year. I felt this pregnancy would be such a setback for me. I was also worried about my health and this baby’s health due to the fact I was still in pain. When I arrived in the emergency department it would be about two hours later before I would be admitted. Later I was probed with questions by the doctor and nurse and after a full examination, I was informed that my IUD would need to be removed and I would need an ultrasound to rule out possibilities of pre-term delivery, vaginal bleeding, clinical chorioamnioitis and placental abruption and an ectopic pregnancy. So just having these medical terms thrown at me with such grave and scary meanings to them. I started to cry as I laid on that hard cold hospital bed. I cried until they left the room. I decided it was time to call my husband and inform of this new development. My husband was at work when I called him, he told me he would come as soon as he could and to keep him informed of any updates and to stay calm so that everything would be alright. About an hour later I was taken to the ultrasound room. As I looked at monitor I saw little didn’t really understand what I was looking at and the technician wasn’t the nice, nor as she good at explaining anything. She kept saying the doctor will explain everything to me after he read the results. I stared up at the ceiling and began to say a silent prayer to God that he would make everything okay. I prayed that he would give me the strength to handle whatever this new trail was that he had set for me.