
Theology in Our Lives

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Everyone has a different interpretation on what theology is and what it means. To me, theology is about the study of God, the bible and the history of religion and its effect on man. The dictionary describes Christian theology as simply an attempt to understand God as he is revealed in the Bible. It comes from two Greek words: “theos,” which is Greek for “God,” and “-ology” which is from the Greek word “logos,” meaning “word.” When combined, the word theology literally means “words about God” or “the study of God.” Many people argue how the study of theology could possibly serve a purpose in our busy lives. Many argue that theology is not important or needed. That all we need to do is love Jesus. But what most people don’t realize is the fact that everything in this world is theological. For example, the Bible teaches us that everyone should be treated with respect because we are all made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-28). In this case, our theology, which is based on Scripture, informs us of how we are to treat other people. Theology also provides us with the answers to life's questions regarding our meaning or purpose in life. According to the Bible, our purpose is for God's glory; to praise God, worship Him, and to accomplish His will. Therefore, in this we find that God has given us a reason for our existence, a meaning for our existence. We were created by Him and our lives are to be lived for Him so that we can accomplish what He has for us to do. It all goes back to what we discussed in class about vocation and fulfilling God’s will. Ephesians 1:11 states: “In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will.” In other words, when we trust the one who has made us, then we are able to live a life of purpose. But then there are those who will deny what God has made for us and what

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