This project meant a lot not only to me but my whole group, while doing the project I found out that everyone in my group had been dealing with a close family member who was in rehab or had pass away. I think what we wanted to do with this project was bring awareness to other students who had gone through the same thing with a family member or even their self. We attended AA meeting so that we were able to speak first hand on the issue. We also partnered with Kathy O’Keefe who is the leader of the nonprofit WTF (winning the Flight) to help share her message. She provided us with her own displays which had powerful personally messages from family members who had lost love ones to the cause. Personally are selfies did an exhibit on campus, in Chilton Hall called “the battle” which presented information on statistics of excessive drugs use, the effects from drugs use, and information about the different ways to receive help and resources. There were a lot of people who help out with this project and that we could not have pull it off without. First there was Kathy O’Keefe with WTF, my partners Dana MacDanald and Lyndsey Luther. Also we had help from Lewisville PD Drug Task Force. This project made me feel a lot of kinds of ways. The whole reason of me joining the program was to help others. While putting on the exhibit I was able to speak with a lot of people who had gone through a lot of pain. Ms. O’Keefe had lost a son from an overdose, and listening to her story and watching her video really made me open my eyes and help me realize that I’m really going to be able to save people lives once I’m done with this program. This made me feel really empowered and that I know that I’m going to be able to make a difference in people lives. I really did love being able to bring my personally knowledge to the subject, and yet still learning new thing along the way. I also really enjoyed seeing people’s reaction while they walk