
My Life and Family Socialization

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When I look back to my childhood the way I was brought definitely affected and made into the person I am today. I was born in Congo, African and moved to Pretoria, South Africa when I was six. Growing up in Pretoria was an amazing life experience; I wouldn’t change anything about it. My parents have always had a great influence and impact in my life, my dad has always been the provider and protector while my mom was a stayed at home mother. I loved coming back home every day from school seeing my mom, having a nice warm cooked meal ready for me, and my mom helped me with my home worked. Growing up I didn’t get to see much of my dad because he was always working, which made my relationship with mom very strong, to this day I am very close with my mom, cannot go a whole day without talking to her, I love my mom dearly. The two systems structures from Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Theory of Human Development that I most identify with is the Microsystem and the Macrosystem. The microsystem refers to the activities and relationships with significant others experienced by a developing person in a particular small setting such as family, school, peer group, or community (Berns, 2013). In microsystem family is the setting that provides nurturance, affection, and variety of opportunities, my parents were fortunate enough to provide me with all that, at early age my parents taught me that family is very important because family is always going to be there for you no matter what. School is the setting in which children formally learn about their society (Berns, 2013). Starting elementary school in South Africa and attending high school and now college in America is very different. Schools in South Africa are very cultured, I didn’t know what homosexuality was till I moved to America, and I was shocked to see it so openly expressed at school. Peer groups is the setting in which children are generally unsupervised by adults, there by gai

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