Unconditional love is an important idea in the short story ‘Food For Thought’ by Myles Formby that still applies today. The experience of revealing homosexuality to friends and family is used in this story, an experience which applies to many people today, but the idea of unconditional love also applies to other situations in the world today, such as conflicts in the Middle East. This idea is sustained with the use of techniques such as effective dialogue Unconditional love is important and here we see it address how the mothers maintained love when the son came out, “No matter what happens, we still love you.” This idea is still used today when sons come out homosexual to their parents. It enforces the idea of unconditional love, which is a love that has no limits or conditions. “Wriggling and fidgeting,” this is how the protagonist describes himself before facing his father. This is an aspect of the important idea that is still acted by young people today when they are frightened of their family and friends responses to them coming out. The purpose of uses these quotes were to address the important idea of unconditional love. Formby successfully used the idea of unconditional love to inform the reader that it is a good intangible quality that is still in use today. Unconditional love can also be shown through actions, “Dad is cooking my favorite carbonara, he talks to us through his love of food.” This is showing the fathers unconditional love for his son and that he accepts his sexual orientation. Rather than words, the father showing his love for his son through his love of food is used effectively to showing the reader that he accepts his son’s sexual orientation. “I love you and nothing you do will ever take that away A tear runs down his face He says nothing, leans over and squeezes my hand.” This is still applied today when people come out homosexual, their parents may not show it initially, but they hav