
Short Story - Wishing I Were Somewhere Else

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School, is it a scary thought to be honest. That first class of your freshman year is probably the most terrifying thing known to an upcoming student. I know it was for me. I was thinking to myself that I cannot possibly do this. Then all of a sudden I got handed a schedule with all these random room numbers and the same mantra screaming through my brain, I’m going to get lost is this massive building! over and over again. So after a major overreaction I slowly meander to my classes, and all I can think about is food. I am going to wilt away, I think to myself. Two classes down, my hair is starting to fall from my cute little curls, one to go and then I finally get to eat. Thank goodness! Now all I have to do is make it out of the building, alive that is, across the crosswalk, through the massive parking lot, and I will find my destination in the AG barn. A safe haven for fifty seven minutes. I glance up to the clock after a short while and think to myself dang, only six minutes until Math class fourth hour. I’m really not looking forward to this. Well here goes nothing. I really do not want to be here. I walk into class and sit back, and here comes Mrs. Dolphin, little did I know hell started then. From her long creepy yellow teeth to her horridly pink painted nails, the image will for sure haunt you for life. It is just something you will never be able to erase from your mind, believe me I have tried and to just will not work. But on to the handbook and syllabus we have to go over for god only knows why, I am pretty sure we went over this stuff in junior high? Guess not. Only forty-two minutes left to deal with and I am done. By all means the teacher is cool, but those things I just do not think I will be able to deal with this semester let alone the whole year. Oh boy, here we go. Notes, notes, and more notes. Learning how the class works, and the expectations, all that good jazz, such a drag I think absently. As the week drag

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