You will never go through life without making a tough decision. Whether you’re the CEO, President, or in my case, just a regular manager, making decisions is absolutely crucial in having a successful business and workplace. The decision making process can be very tedious or can made in a split second. That is why as a manager, one has to be swift but be able to make rational choices as well. That is why the six step decision process is the most important tool to master as a manager. As a manager at a large waterpark for 5 years, I’ve gone from a very sarcastic instructor/boss and skittish decision maker to a professional both as a manager and a decision maker. What being a manger has taught me over the years is you’re always being looked at for guidance and understanding of what goes on around you. I had to demonstrate complete confidence regardless if I knew what I was doing or not. The need for total confidence rushed me into knowing how to make a decision when the time being. Whether it’s a programmed or non-programmed decision, choosing the best option is all on the manager(s). A programmed decision at the water park would be what equipment (tubes, bathing suits, CPR manikins, etc.) to order for the upcoming summer season. Anything that is out in the sun will tend to depreciate quicker than something inside so our prior experiences were fading fast. The decision to go with a new, and more expensive, brand of equipment that was rumored by other parks to be “more stable” or to stick with what we knew while saving money in the short term. At this time I had no previous sensemaking to this problem; all I had known was we were wasting money when we could be saving it. The prospective theory of this was if we took the risk in buying the more expensive option, there is a potential loss. With that, there’s also a chance to make a gain and, in the long term aspect, save some money by not purchasing as much. Of course the more