
Receiving a Cochlear Implant

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Having a disability doesn't mean you don't have the ability. Which everyone believes is true, just because I cant hear doesn't mean I can't communicate, and just because I cant see doesn't mean I don't visualize. There is so many things that the “disabled” society can do, yet we look down upon them because they aren't capable of doing the same task we are how we do it. The judgements of not only society, but the people we surround ourselves with says a lot about our character. The movie Sound and Furry, might have seemed just like a little girl wanting a cochlear implant; however in my eyes it showed the fight of should a she always have to fight for the rest of her life. Heather Artinian, who the movie was based around, an eager six year old wanting to be like everyone she saw. But being able to hear to a deaf person isn't the easiest fight. Having a cochlear implant still might not give her the ability to hear, and she would have to spend years and years learning how to speak and read lips. Can you be selfish to your child when they may not realize you only want the best for them? Its a daily struggle trying to understand a parents perspective on the decisions they make for there child. Especially as a child you many not see everything from there eyes and it may be harder for you to comprehend. Heathers parents decided not to get the cochlear implant for her, as the audience we may have seen it as her parents being selfish. I thought it was a great idea that they didnt, yea she might not have been accepted by society but so what there are plenty of things that a “normal” person can be judged for. If Heather parents said it was okay for her to get it, she would have had high hopes. Heather was dream about the sounds, and god forbid would have been heart broken if it didn't work. Devastation would have taken over, because she believed she would have had the ability to hear and listen. Heather could can still make a life, sign

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