
The Hate Factory by Georgelle Hirliman

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“Tying the rope under his arms and around his chest, they strung him up on the basketball hoop for all to see. There he would hang for the rest of the riot During those hours of madness that were to follow, inmates would come in and hack at his dangling corpse with knives, beat it with pipes, mutilating it so totally that it was beyond recognition, a raw, bloody mass of flesh, by the time the uprising was over.” In “The Hate Factory”, this is what was done to one of the convicts named Joe Madrid that was a part of the initial rioters, but because while they were trying to get the cons from E-1 out of the block because they barricaded themselves in during the uprising. He was caught giving a 3 foot wrench to help his friends in E-1 use the windows as an alternative to escape the smoke started by the rioters to get them out and give up to The Man. That was just one of the many horrendous actions done in The New Mexico State Penitentiary Riot on February 2nd and 3rd, 1980. Throughout the reading of “The Hate Factory”, you’ll come many aspects of the riot as well as causes that led to it. In the reading you see that it describes a lot if not all of the causes to be “preventable”. One of the many causes of the riot was prison overcrowding. On page 98, when the rioters began to make their negotiation list, the first of the 6 demands was “1. Reduce Overcrowding. According to Penitentiary Blues: The Santa Fe Prison Riot Blog, when the prison was built in 1956, the prison was originally designed to hold 800 inmates. By 1980 more than 1100 prisoners lived together in close quarters. With the renovation of Cellblock 5. The Dormitory section saw some of the most dangerous criminals from a high-security area. This overcrowding and mixture of Santa Fe’s most violent, notorious, disturbed and vulnerable criminals in one facility was a disaster waiting to happen. Another cause of the uprising was how warden Montoya and his “clique” of prison staff mistreated the inmates which could be deemed as “cruel”. With many of the staff not having the proper training many just treated the guards in a brutal manner. In the text is states how Lieutenant nicknamed “Greeneyes” made life for the inmates hell. Greeneyes specialized in playing with an inmate’s mind, by antagonizing a con then daring him to rebuttal with time in “The Hole” if the con did. One specific incident was were Greeneyes took away a con’s visiting privilege and put him in the hole for thirty days, when he asked why he had informed him to get dressed for a visit. Also the guards formed a “goon squad”. They usually suited up and went in to retrieve an inmate from there cell using tear gas and clubs. It is stated that the guards would beats the inmates in their ribs, back and kidneys a lot of the time while being moved through the facility because it didn’t leave any marks on the inmates bodies. Another reason for the riot was the lack of programs and work ava

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