The Victorian Age (1937-1901) Queen Victoria came to the throne during a difficult political and economical situation. She became queen at the age of 18 and her reign endured 64 years. The Victorian Era was a great century of economical, political, cultural, geographical and legislative changes. In this period, England was the great economical power in the world. It conquered numerous colonial territories such as New Zeeland, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia and Canada. Britain was leader in distribution and in production of manufacturing goods. The triumph of industry coincided with scientific research and technological progress like the introduction of steam hammers and locomotives, steamboat, the construction of a railway network. The Crystal Palace, an enormous structure of iron-framed and glass, was built to show the England supremacy. Here all England goods and technological innovation were exposed. Factory system emerged and for the first time in Britain’s history, there were more people who lived in cities than in the countryside. This fact caused the impoverishment of peasantry living condition and the loss of folkloristic customs. The industrial revolution caused the pollution of towns. The Industrialization became synonymous with slums, very poor quarters characterized by squalor, diseases and crime where houses were in a real bad state. Queen Victoria imposed a code of behavior based on respectability, personal duty, hard work, decorum, chastity. There were fundamental values that Victorian people want to preserve. A lot of poets denounced the hypocrisy of 19th century society that sacrifices intellectual feelings and aspirations to the social and moral conventions of the period. The term “Victorian” acquired a negative sense, reminding the “prudery” idea (pruderie in French). This represents the c