There are many roles of leadership in the church that of great importance. While all of them have significance in their place in the church, leading worship is one of the greatest calls from the Lord in Christianity. Those who have this call are required to lead while at the same time inspire people to know God and His greatness in a much more profound way than any other position of leadership other than that of those who are called to preach, teach and present the word of God. It is the significance of this call that compels its recipients to be prepared both spiritually and musically every time they are called upon to operate in their calling. Leaders lead and that is true of anyone who has a position of leadership. So as we explore this subject in relevance to the worship leader I am sure it will become clear that unlike any there preparation to lead worship is a profoundly important part of the call to this ministry position. While we can look at the position alone and say there is nothing to it except getting before a crowd and singing. We must look past the stage and get into the heart, mind and soul of the call first and foremost. It has been said that we cannot draw water out of an empty well. This is true with people called to lead worship. Therefore a worship leader cannot take people to a place in worship they have never been. So we understand that according to Psalm 135:1-2 “Praise Him, you servants of the Lord, you who minister in the house of the Lord” a worship leader is whom is being spoken of in this scripture must “Praise Him” if you will as individuals. You can go one step further and say the must “Praise Him” in their private life so that they will have something or some place from which to draw from when taking or leading people in worship in a corporate worship setting. So in order to understand this we must now take a look at worship in itself so we can better prepare to lead people in worship. What is Worship? First we need to look at what worship is not. It is not music, singing, and all the production it takes to present a worship service. Worship is not the gathering at a place to offer praise to the Lord. Worship is not a tradition that we do each week. While all of these are an important part they are not worship within themselves. Worship is a Lifestyle! It is a matter of the heart and communion with the heart of God and according to Constance M. Cherry in her book, The Worship Architect, “The foundation is the most important factor in a building’s longevity.” (Cherry, 2010) so we not underestimate the importance of what worship is in our preparation as a “Worship Leader." She further states that “worship flows from the person and work of God” (Cherry, 2010) and that “God initiates worshipGod invites us to worship” (Cherry, 2010) which helps us understand that we are not worship leaders because we worship but be are worshippers who are called to lead. We read in John 4:23-24 “True worshippers will worship the father in Spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such as these to worship him” and Cherry adds that emphasis given to “God the Father Seeks Us” helps us understand that we do not create or manufacture our efforts but the Lord has been and is looking for those who will step up and lead in worship. (Cherry, 2010) Worship is a lifestyle of living that one decides to follow Christ and music is a byproduct of that lifestyle. It is the gifts and the talents one offers to the Lord which are kissed by his favor and blessing that allow us to use them in worship to him. It is not the music makes worship, but it is the way it is used that makes it worship. When music is given back to God from the heart of the individual that has been sought out by God and accepted His invitation to come in Spirit and Truth to give our lives back to Him in worship that makes us who we are. The hymn so eloquently depicts “on Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All Other Ground Is Sinking Sand” when speaking of who he is and the foundation from which we place our footing to build our lives upon. So worship is not what we do it is whose we are! So in the quest to understand preparation for worship we must understand leadership and its roll in the