As a young teen growing up, without an athletic body, the annoying jocks would pick and criticize me about my uncontrollable weight all the time. I was either too big or not skinny enough to be a part of their clique. Indeed, you’re probably thinking why he wanted to be a part of a clique that misjudges the true inner feelings of others. Being over weight has always had an affect on me. It made me feel like I was less than others and of course my self-esteem went down faster than a blink of the eye. I lowered my standards for people, who I wasn’t really attracted too. Then this thing called “maturity” hit me like a hard ball. I started to realize the true definition of being a “cool kid” was the exact opposite of what I thought it was. The years went by and the foolishness about my weight began to cease and my weight started decreasing. After this no longer did I have people talking about how fat I was and honestly I was glad. I was so afraid of being called fat again that I became a gym rat. So, as you noticed I chose this article because of my personal experience with being over-weight. After reading this, I now strongly agree with Zinczenko when he emphasizes that the diabetes rates have increased extremely from the year 1969 to present day. In 1994, type two diabetes was caused by genetic disorders instead of eating unhealthy. Zinczenko stated in this article that, “money spent to treat diabetes has sky-rocketed.” Now, some may think that he’s over-exaggerating but he’s not due to the number of the year and price range changes. Zinczenko states, that there are a lot of fast food restaurants on every corner you turn on. One could agree with this because there are billions of fast food restaurants that offer different variety of unhealthy foods. And like he said, “it’s easier to buy fast food at every corner than it is to stop by a grocery store and find healthy food.” He also states in his article that