
Techniques Essay - Media Course Project

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Abstract The goal of this project was to further develop existing techniques in the program known as Maya and learn new ones regarding the chosen subject, the chosen subject being a short animated film and fly-through of a 3D environment. This short film evolved into ‘Stalingrad’, Stalingrad relies on the demanding usage of Maya and it required an avid advanced ability in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects, the former to aid with historical accuracies and the latter to help add a realistic atmosphere through cinematic technique. Completion of the project concluded that the team had advanced its skills in all the programs used, extended its own personal knowledge of the ‘Battle of Stalingrad’, gained professional time management skills and the ability to work under pressure towards important deadlines. The culmination of all those listed helped to successfully achieve the project brief that was required. Introduction The assignment and brief was to create a team or solo project that would allow the representation of any skills learned through the Multimedia course. The final year project was the first real chance for students to do this and it was found to be a great way to showcase participants practical abilities. After contemplation however, it was agreed that in order to achieve maximum efficiency and to attempt to create a project with high standards, it would be beneficial to work on an individual project, this was mainly due to the fact that it meant more work could be done overall without risk of trying to align work from other team participants For example, such issues as conflicting styles or ideals. This as well as not having a risk of in-group arguments. It was finally decided that the team of one would be named after the only member ‘Deano Carter’. Thus it was decreed that an additional name for the ‘project team’ was irrelevant. The team initially decided to create a short film based around the ‘Star Wars’ saga, however it was considered too cliché and thus an alternative route was to be taken. Thus the concept of Stalingrad was formed, this was put forward by an external source whilst the team were watching a Russian documentary. After critical analysis of the possibility and scale, it was agreed upon by the team. The project investigates a Non Photorealistic Rendering (NPR for short) of the city of Stalingrad, it’s aims are to incorporate scenes from various films and games as the group deemed the entire city made to true scale would be too much work. Stalingrad was an ideal chance for the team to present their strengths in creating historical creations, as in previous assignments the team had created a bunker which was themed similar to those that would be found in Stalingrad. One of the more important tasks however would have been the creation of a realistic, saddening, and overall a surreal environment., this was not one of the teams strengths. The team decided to use the programs known as 3D Studio Max, Autodesk Maya, Adobe After Effects, Modview*, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premiere Pro to create the project. These programs were chosen after careful planning and analysis of their abilities as well as the fact as if the group had adequate enough skills or not for the task at hand. Scripting of the project began prior to creation and it was decided to direct the film in the same style of that of the film ‘Enemy at the Gates’** and so the rating of the project was dubbed 15+. The team didn’t deem it gory enough to be ranked to an 18+ however the inclusion of blood and brain matter did make it a base of 15+. Whilst there were no actors, the theme of war in itself is also for a more mature audience. The team made a list of what was involved in the project and what would have to be conquered first. Which allowed everything to be finished in a quick and timely fashion. Whilst the team members had high skills and strengths in modeling and texturing, they lacked knowledge in after editing and production. The team decided that with the news of the target audience being chosen, idea having been chosen and the overall team skills selection chosen, production of ‘Stalingrad’ was commenced upon. Research Research initiated with a system of methods used to study and analyze a particular area. Such areas of study would be the Historical accuracy, Imagery + Theme + Scene setting, Complexity and Visual style. This overall methodology was primarily established to ensure a thorough approach to reaching the goals set by the team. Another of the main goals was to try and create a piece that was pleasing to watch and kept the audiences attention, so thus research in keeping people interested would also commence. Historical accuracy was of utmost importance as it was the horrific and powerful scenes from Stalingrad which made the battle so well known. It was imperative that each famous scene was created and made to reflect the powerful imagery of what it was like at

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