
A Drug Called Tradition

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Sherman Alexa’s “A Drug Called Addiction,” is a chapter in his book called, “The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven”. Alexa’s writings are about the division between what real Native American Indians were 20 years ago and what the modern Native American Indian has become. Alexie lets his characters explore “The Real Indians,” even though his characters still have a strong tie too their Native American Indian culture. He tells his stories of how complex it is today to be a Native American Indian while still trying to keep that strong sense of who their ancestors are, “The Real Indians”. In his passage, “A Drug Called Tradition,” Alexie illustrates with several different points just how different their lifestyles and experiences are compared much more different than their ancestor’s. In this text, the passage “There are things you should know,” is vital to the text because Alexie gives a prime example of why he is sharing his stories. Alexie shares his stories of the differences in Native American Indian culture today and The Native American Indian cultures of yesterday. This passage stands out because of how Alexie gives these examples of how Native American Indians today grow up living with the skeletons of their ancestors, and even though life has made many changes for them today, they will never be able to escape who they once were. Through his use of metaphors, symbolism, and personification, Alexie Sherman is able to convey the message of the passage which is that a person is who a person is who a person chooses to be and cannot change their past; however, the choices they make can shape their future. By using the skeleton as a metaphor, Sherman is able to demonstrate how a person cannot change their pasts, but can shape their future. “Sometimes, though, your skeletons will talk to you, tell you to sit down and take a rest, breathe a little.”(Sherman, Alexie pg.22) A meaning of thi

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