In today’s society, sharing via social media is the biggest way of communicating and staying in touch with reality around the world. Alesso, H.P. & Smith, C.F. (2008) refer to how the whole entirety of collecting and storing information has been left influenced by the World Wide Webi. A new burst of technology was created and new enhancement tools were introduced to enhance protocols for multimedia content, data transfer and communications. It took no time at all for the new Technological expansion to become available to all people to participate in this advancement of accessible technology. Reed (2011) thought that connecting to networks with multiple others was a massive breakthrough. This made it possible of anyone to create content and sell products as well as offer services without acquiring permission from authority. In hindsight this has led to assumptions from the Creator of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee, that internet in the modern era is being used for the soul purpose of tracking the users information. Stempeck (2013) view in contrast to this, technology in developing countries, although still behind most developed countries, have become a new way to indorse humanitarian aid with the setup of Donation websites, for example, Aid for Africa, Save the Children and Together for Africa, just to name a few. As well as these new advancements, the development of live blogging of online news and mobile content-aware-applications have become a useful tool for people everyday life, from applications that present you with updated news to applications which can order you pizza or get you a taxi to your front door. Skully (2013) emphasis’s that advancement has become a huge part of society but through and through there is always a negative aspect to this new advancement. Social mediaii has changed the way that society has communicated with one another. Instead of the face to face interaction it has been replaced with the odd email or two or the more popular texting and Facebook messaging. Booth (2010) from the University of Chicago explains that although social media has reduced the face to face interaction, people have become more sociable and more interactive with others. Although this is the case, Booth (2010) expresses that interactions on social media tend to produce a lot of weak ties, including not being as personally connected and relationships tend to wither away. Booth, (2010) quotes “So while we’re communicating more, we may not necessarily be building relationships as strongly”. The fact there is no filters on your communications have become another big factor in the way we communicate and interact with others. In the past, you were controlled on what was being said, whether it be in the newspaper or the television, they had the right to change what your opinion or what you had to say. While there is a number of beneficial aspects of social media and the way we interact, there are also d