? In Watching TV Makes You Smarter, Steven Johnson claims that watching TV.Makes you smarter. Popular present day television shows cognitively engages the audience with its intersecting plots and relationships and narrative threads that wind their way through information revealed in earlier episodes. Steven Johnson introduces the Sleeper Curve in which he enforces the idea that even the most tarnished forms of entertainment are cognitively enhancing. By following the plots, second-guessing yourself, and paying attention to the subtle details you are exercising the part of your brain than analyzes and solves complex problems and situations. In Watching TV Makes You Smarter, Steven Johnson states that this is encouraged by three primary entertaining elements: multiple threading, flashing arrows, and social networks (278-279). When Steven Johnson claims that watching television shows make you smarter most people fail to understand that Johnson is not forming the allegation that TV shows are teaching the audience vital information that would be taught at school or that would help ease the lives of members of the society, such as math or English. Also, those who do support Johnson’s claim often interpret what Johnson is saying, in my opinion, incorrectly. To validate his opinions they use television shows such as Breaking Bad and House, in which they learn something new, as examples of shows that make them smarter. Though these shows do teach you how to make and deal crystal meth or increase your capacity of medical jargon, this does not support the claim Johnson tries to make. When I first read the title, before reading the complete article, I myself was confused. I could think of shows, such as Dora the Explorer or the Discovery Channel, in which the audience is taught something new in every episode, but I could think of more television shows that makes the mass population more stupid, such as Jersey Shore, or illustrates fictional lives, such as in The Vampire Diaries. Before reading the complete article I thought I would side with the part of the population that thinks TV makes the society inefficient and incompetent, but after reading the complete articl