Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 General Introduction: In the era of economic integration, what entrepreneurs need to prepare and implement? This is probably one of the questions that every corporate governances are raising for their business to lead its integration with the world economy. Moreover, in my opinion, quality management can rapidly change the way organizations conduct business, if they know how to apply it in the business, enterprises will have the ability to get higher income, increasing potential customers for business, and promoting their brand. One of the secrets of business success is the quality of the product, and one of the quality management tools help companies improve the quality of the product is 6-Sigma, an innovative methodology for minimizing errors in the production process. Sigma is now one of common concepts (including TQM, lean) when talking about effective framework for producing systematic innovative efforts in organizations, especially automotive manufacturers. The importance of quality improvement and cost saving is always the priority of senior executives, hence applying 6-Sigma to improve production processes plays as a best practice in achieving organizational strategies. According to Jared Munk (Dec. 2013), "automobile manufacturers are the ideal candidates to benefit from 6-Sigma quality improvement methodology". Ford Motor Company is one of the leading automotive companies of which the philosophy "Quality is job 1" was introduced since 1980s. Considered quality is critical, this company has embraced 6-Sigma into innovation and quality-emphasis strategy. As an affiliate of Ford Motor Company, Ford Vietnam Ltd. (FVL) is also deploying 6-Sigma in its production and managment activities. It is considered as an innovative tool for product and process improvement via effective use of statistical methods. In this essay, I would like to provide an analysis of the importance of 6-Sigma in the production process - one stitch that helps administrators to identify and better recognize how it will bring to the quality of the product and improve manufacturing processes when 6-Sigma methodology is successful implemented. 1.2. Rationale The author of the essay has been working in FVL for nearly 10 years and had completed two 6-Sigma projects as a champion. Therefore, the author finds that this is a very useful tool for process improvement. However, it seems that 6-Sigma has not been fully deployed and effectively played its role in FVL. With the motivation to understand the current performance of 6-Sigma, personal interest in 6-Sigma, accessibility to the available information, and desire to a deep-dive study on this concept application in FVL, the topic is chosen for this essay. 1.3 Central questions and objectives The objectives of the essay are to answer 03 questions below: - How is current performance of 6-Sigma application Ford Vietnam ltd? - What are the main driven factors for that performance? - What are the recommendations that would help to enhance the important role and improve the performance of 6-Sigma in FVL? 1.4 Scope of the essay The scope of the essay is to cover 6-Sigma deployments in manufacturing division in Ford Vietnam, to review its performance in production process improvement, cost saving and quality improvement. To answer the 03 questions listed above, some information (data) needs to be collected: - What is the 6-Sigma concept, major tools of 6-Sigma; - Benefits of 6-Sigma; - What are the key successful factors of 6-Sigma implementation;. - Main achievements of the company (FVL) resulted from 6-Sigma projects. - The role and responsibility of 6-Sigma team (Black belts, green belts, project champion) in FVL. - Policy and strategy for 6-Sigma - Training and development program - Information of all 6-Sigma projects in FVL, their results and current status - Root causes leading to current performance status of 6-Sigma in FVL - How 6-Sigma deployments can be improved? Chapter 2: Review of literature and conceptual framework 2.1 What is 6-Sigma? 6-Sigma is a process measurement and management system that enables employees and companies to take a process oriented view of their entire business to help improve quality of their products and services. It is a problem solving methodology that applies a set of statistical tools in a disciplined approach to reduce variability in any business or manufacturing process, while also reducing or eliminating defects. In other words, 6-Sigma is a process improvement methodology based on statistics in order to minimize the percentage of errors or defects to not more than 3.4 defects per million defect opportunities by identifying and eliminating sources of variation in the business process. In the definition of defects, 6-Sigma focuses on developing a thorough understanding of customer requirements; therefore, it is very customer oriented. 6-Sigma is a management philosophy focused on eliminating mistakes, waste and repair. 6-Si