Introduction The first documented constitution of America was the Articles of Confederation. Under these documents, the states remained independent and sovereign, with Congress playing the role of being the last resort as far as the appeal of disputes is concerned (Waxman, 2012). The Congress was also the body that was responsible for making alliances, treaties, coin money and maintain armed forces. The central government was deprived of its ability to impose taxes and control commerce; a concern that later led to the creation of fresh federal laws through a Constitutional Convention in 1787. Thus, this paper lists the shortcomings or the concerns that resulted from this Constitution. The paper also describes what it took to make this governing document and how it was done. Lastly, the paper will mention about the Bill of Rights and how such Bill of Rights ended up being part of the document. What it took to make the Constitution and how it was done According to Waxman (2012), after gaining its independence – in a revolutionary war – from Great Britain, the new country located in the Northern part of America needed to establish certain kind of governmental system. Thus, the Articles of Confederation was the best document that described the needed governmental system. It symbolized the first constitutional “treaty” made between the thirteen American states. After the American Revolution, the new states needed to unite. The relative authorities of the Continental Congress and the individual states also needed proper description. These realities compelled the Congress to delegate the responsibility of drafting the federal constitution to John Dickinson. This federal constitution became the famous Articles of Confederation. The Congress needed to debate and give clarification on three main issues: The sharing of the levied taxes in line with the population; The granting of one vote per state; and The power of the federal authority to give away public lands. Eventually, this debate occasioned several revisions in the document and the final paper w