
Baz Luhrmann and The Great Gatsby

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There are many great movies that display a variety of cinematography, mise-en-scene, movement, editing, sound, and acting but one that catches student’s attention is the film “The Great Gatsby” by Baz Luhrmann. The film “The Great Gatsby” is a filmic adaptation of Scott Fitzgerald’s American novel “The Great Gatsby” which depicts the fragility of attaining the American dream with regard to wealth, power, and love. Baz Luhrmann shows the theme of blindness by making Gatsby blind about the fact that Daisy doesn’t love him like she did five years ago. There was numerous times where Luhrmann showed this in the movie. The close up shots during this scene illustrates the fear Gatsby had for meeting Daisy once again after 5 years. For example when daisy first comes over to nick’s house and Gatsby accidently drops the “old” cracked clock, which was showing that he was grasping onto the past. The weather is also stressed by the pouring rain and thunderstorm because it shows that both Gatsby and Daisy have old, confused feelings from the past and they also seem as if they were strangers to each other. When Nick leaves and then comes back to see Daisy and Gatsby, Nick points out that it is sunny and that Daisy and Gatsby are talking happily and seems as if they’re in love. Gatsby repetitively expresses his favorite phrase, “Old sport,” as well as a slightly affected accent to disguise his origins; Gatsby befriends Nick, whom he asks to arrange a date with Daisy, his sweetheart from five years earlier when he was a soldier off to Europe and the battlefront. When Gatsby talks about the past about Daisy, the movie has a soft effect as if it were taking place in his dream. This is significant because it shows his love for Daisy. There are many times in the many where it is emphasized that Gatsby is madly in love with Daisy for example, he believes that Daisy and himself will always love each other (he points at a shootin

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