
Literature and Finding Refuge

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“I will say of the lord, my refuge and my fortress.”( King James bible). People find refuge from many places such as music, travel, sport, homelife, family, love, peace, success, house, technology, education, friends, and relationships. People also seek refuge from many places such as family, disease, war, injuries, disabilities, alcohol, drugs, relationship, homelife, friends, and many more. Since refuge is in everyone’s life including Chris Mccandless in the novel Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer, Jon Bul from the movie “God Grew Tired of Us”, Leroy Sutton and Dartanyon Crockett in the essay “High School Teammates Carry On”, Gilbert in the essay “Running for His Life” and Nathaniel Ayers in the essay “Violinist Has the World on Two Strings” by Steve Lopez every character relies on refuge for different needs. The concept of refuge allows these two characters to find peace in their passion and also to seek refuge from their disabilities. Nathaniel Ayers, homeless and lives in the dirty environment said “‘Well, first of all, its beautiful here,” said Nathaniel Ayers, who told me he has been diagnosed many years ago with schizophrenia”’(Lopez). Schizophrenia destroys Ayers’ relationship with his family and his social life. It also made him become homeless and quit his college education because it causes voices and hallucinations. Leroy also seeks refuge from disability. Leroy, who can not walk because of the accident that happened to him many years ago said‘“I did not want to be in my chair, he said.” I had to build up so I could move around...”’ (Tom Rinalidi). Leroy’s disability did not allow him to play and walk like others which makes him frustrated. It also made him brain sick because he remembers how the accident happened to his leg which does not allow him to walk. People seek refuge from disabilities because it is one way to rely on refuge. Disabilities alter individuals and their lives

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