
Types of Journeys

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I would first like to start by welcoming you all to the Annual Youth Convention. It’s a great pleasure and honour to be invited here today. I am here to talk to you about the concept of journeys and to share my thoughts and knowledge about journeys. What are journeys? Who goes on journey? Well, what do you think a journey is? The word journey means many things. Each person has their own personal definition of the word journey. My personal definition of journey is the act of traveling from one place to another or going from one stage to another whether it be physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally or culturally. Everyone goes on journeys, they are everywhere. Just sit there think for a moment. Is there anyone you know that hasn’t gone on a journey? No one goes on the same journey every journey is different as every person is different! There are 5 main types of journeys. These are. Physical journeys which involve physical obstacles and movement to new places from physical journeys people learn more about themselves and the world surrounding them. Inner journeys which are about self-exploration, the main goal of these journey s are to challenge the individual and for the person to learn more about themselves possibility to improve themselves. Imaginative journeys take an individual from reality and transfer us into different world that only exists in our minds. Spiritual journeys are about reconciliation and education thought enlightenment. For each person that goes on a spiritual journey it is a moment for self-discovery, learning more understanding more about god the world and themselves. Each spiritual journey is unique, as everyone is unique and different. Emotional journeys are moments in life that you go through several emotions. The different types of journeys allow people to learn and understand themselves and the world around them better. Journeys also give people the opportunity to challenge themselves physically, emotionally and mentally. Aspects of “journeys” are communicated in Anh Do’s memoir ‘The HAPPIEST Refugee’; the film ‘Rabbit-Proof Fence’ directed by Phillip Noyce and the poster “Young Endeavour Youth Scheme’ from the Royal Australian Navy. All of the three texts contained one or more of the 5 types of journeys. The memoir ‘The HAPPIEST Refugee’ written by Anh Do shows the concept of journeys all though out the entire book in many different ways. This is showed by the language used, the structure and the style of text. ‘The HAPPIEST Refugee’ is a memoir of Anh Do’s life and his family and his journey to Australia. Anh Do’s memoir start with him as a child and throughout the book he writes in order of what happened as he aged. The memoir finishes with Do being happily married with three children. The start, Do’s memoir is about him as a young boy, who escaped worn torn Vietnam with his family on small overcrowded fishing boat. Do continue to take us on his journey by writing all the problems and challenges and obstacles they faced along the way. The Do family's journ

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