Imagine coming home every night with fear and anxiety overriding your bodies emotions because the man or women you love may be waiting there to violently hurt you. You feel trapped and unable to defend yourself. Or you stand there helplessly watching your mother or father being bashed and abuses right in front of your eyes. This is just one form of domestic violence. Domestic violence can be perpetrated in many ways such as sexual abuse, psychological abuse, social abuse, economic abuse and spiritual abuse. There needs to be more done to help these situations. More awareness of domestic violence so everyone is aware of this issue and know how to deal with it before it gets out of hand: and also more support giving to the victims of domestic violence so that people are aware of this issue and know how to deal with it before it gets out of hand. Intimate partner violence or domestic violence is the top risk factor for death, disability and illness in Victorian women aged 15-44. Women as young as 15 are being abused in many different forms all over the country. This is insane and the thought of teenagers like us being bashed by the people we are supposed to love is just outrageous. Their needs to be more awareness about domestic violence and the terrible impacts it can have on people’s lives. Because it is happening all too often and we hear about it all too much on the news. In fact just under half a million Australian women reported that they had experienced physical or sexual violence or sexual assault in the past 12 months. Their needs to be a lot more attention drawn towards domestic violence within schools from young ages so if it does happen to us, we know how to deal with it and not just put up with it. If we are taught more about this issue then we can get ourselves out of a bad situation as soon as possible and before any violence it being perpetrated at all. So how can we keep ourselves safe? At times we underestimate th