This piece of writing had the most impact on me than any other assignment I have ever had. I have never gotten raw information before like that. It amazed me how attached I got in each interview. The mixture of trying to keep it like a everyday normal conversation and trying to get information to include in my research. Now for my peer review, with the 32 sections that I could be graded on the average score for this paper was a 5.1. It was by far my best writing and one of the main reasons I included it. My strongest category was “The question, problem, or issue is focused and significant, and it remains clearly important throughout the essay”. My average score was actually a 6. To me that is impressive, no reader I had was ever confused at any point of how significant my issue was in my essay. My worst score was a 3.9 and it came in the “Varied kinds of evidence (including sources,studies,original research, anecdotes, observation,personal experience, statistics, visual elements, etc.) promote understanding of the writers argument and help the reader connect.” The reason I feel like this was my lowest score was because I interviewed people and besides a couple fact in the introduction it was mostly personal stories that were my bulk of my ideas. Looking back I could have included a lot more information with side data to show more specific commonalities between a certain girl and the thousands of other girls that have gone through the exact same thing. This was my strongest paper all year and my peer reviews showed it. I also got high remarks from the professor. Alcohol was the common factor in all of these situations. In one research, it said that 55% of sexual assaults the women remember consuming alcohol and 74% of the perpetrators had consumed alcohol (118). To me, that is where the problem starts. There are bad people in the world, and an effort to convince bad people to stop doing horrific things would be worthless. They