Jack stares out of the window of the ship, watching the island become ever smaller as he leaves, never to return again. “Would you like some dinner Jack?” says a navy officer. “No thank you.” Jack abruptly replies and continues into his deep stare. The ship finally arrives home, and the families of the boys eagerly await them, in an emotional homecoming, greet Jack and the other survivors. However, things aren’t the same for Jack. Looking out into the immense city of London, Jack feels foreign to this modern lifestyle. Having come so deeply accustomed to the ways of living on the island, just the sight of society knocks him down a peg. Jack, an orphan, has no parents. That’s why he was on the plane in the first place. To start a new life in a new place, a place where he can relieve his anger and get his life back on track. A strange man in a black suit walks toward Jack, and asks Jack to come with him. Jack, feeling defensive doesn’t know how to react. He thinks to himself, “Nobody can tell me what I can do, they’re not my parents”. In Jack’s hasty decision to run, he feels trapped by the vastness in this historic city of London. Everywhere he goes he sees streets, hears loud noises, and constantly feels as though he is being watched. Is he trapped? Is he dreaming? Is this real life? Jack still does not have a grasp on reality yet due to his prolonged period on the island and primitive instincts still in full swing. A concerned man approaches Jack and asks where his parents are and if he is alone. He simply replies, “I have no parents.” The man proceeds to back away and tremors at the sight of the savage animal-like boy. Jack, who still hasn’t bathed or changed his clothes, looks very much like a homeless person. Feeling out of place and vulnerable, he retreats to an alley. In the alley he is confronted by two delinquents who try and jump him, he enters a state of panic as he fights back and defeats both