School is a comfortable place where people can learn knowledge, make friends and achieve dreams. School should provide students a relaxed, harmonious, and positive environment. In the article “Education is Not Luxury”, Stephen Joel Trachenberg describes his argument for extending school to 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or 12 months because the current school calendar does a disservice to both students and teachers. However, extending instruction time for K-12 school would be more excessive than beneficial for improving student self-development. If this proposal is applied, it would reduce the students’ learning initiative, decrease student communication with their parents, and add pressure to school resources. One serious problem with extending instruction time for students is that they would not have more advances for studying. Based on Dr. Trachtenbeg’s suggestion, lengthening the school days to from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or full-year school would have a number of benefits (213). K-12 students should have positive, extroverted personalities, and want to try new challenges. School always requires students to stay in enclosed environments such as classrooms or playgrounds all day. The students who are constricted in school will be weary of studying. Also, a long day in school influences teenager's mental development and reasoning. Therefore, resetting the calendar of school would have a negative impact on students. Keeping students in school for more hours will reduce communication with family. For teenager growth and education, the first and most important influencers are parents. According to Dr. Trechtenberg, “School must take on some of the instruction traditionally associated with families,” (213). The most effective instruction would be for students to have contact directly with their families rather than students staying in school to study bookish instruction for more time. For example, if students are in school more for a regular cla