Technology is one of the greatest discoveries ever come upon by mankind. The reasoning is because it makes life easier and helps many people do things that wouldn’t be able to be done without it. Social media, cell phones, technology that helps people heal faster from diseases and sicknesses. These are things that I will be talking about in this paper. Even though technology can be bad the good I think outweigh the bad, and that’s the reason for technology. Some people say cell Phones are a key tool to today’s society and too a person’s life. Yes the cell phone has caused some deaths but, many lives have been saved due to phones. They say in the article for example, “when people are in trouble like someone breaks into their house or if there house is on fire they use a cell phone or a phone to call 911 to get help.” (ercsms.1.). Another example is if you get in a wreck and you’re in the middle of nowhere you can take out your cell phone and call for people to come and help you. One thing that I have found that’s cool and new in today’s society is OnStar this is a system that can sense when you’re in a car crash and it can tell where your are through navigation and then people can talk to you to calm you down. That’s another form of technology which is cars we wouldn’t have lights on our cars and radios on our cars if we didn’t have technology. This would be very boring if we did not have these things in today’s society. Like I said before these have caused many deaths, but the good outweigh the bad and they also have saved a lot of lives also. Another thing we wouldn’t have in our society that pretty much everyone in the world uses is social media. Pretty much everyone in the world uses social media and without it we would not be meeting half the people that we meet. Social media is good because we can relate to other people from different countries. The article says,” Also social media lets you express what you are feeling li