
Problems with the Health Care System

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This paper is on the issues of health care in the United States, the prospects, the challenges, and my recommendations of a viable solution. Health care and illness can be identified as both physical and mental, for example poverty may force an individual to live in an unhealthy physical environment. Rapid social change may generate anxiety, depression, or other mental disorders. Americans place a high value on good health and because of this, adverse effects on health is a serious issue. Although the United Stated health care system has improved, Americans have a higher infant mortality rate and a lower life expectancy rate than any other developed nations. An important indicator that shows that Americans have made significant advances in health matter is life expectancy. Life expectancy is defined as the average number of years a person can expect to live. This has significantly increased in the last two or three decades due to Sanitation, better diet, and reduced fertility and advancing medical knowledge and technology. Which has greatly reduced the seriousness of infectious diseases. Of all the health challenges facing the United States, chronic diseases claim the top spot. Chronic diseases are the major cause of death in the United States, chronic diseases are of long duration and may be classified along a number of dimensions. Chronic diseases may be progressive or constant, for example lung cancer is progressive, whereas stroke is constant, chronic disease may be acute which means short term or gradual which means occurring over an extended period of time. Stroke is acute, while lung cancer is gradual. The main cause of death from chronic diseases is inadequate care, both for the mentally ill and those with regular illness. Another challenge is the Deinstitutionalization movement which began in the mid-1950s (Lamb 1998). Because of newly available drugs, states and county hospitals began to discharge a large amount of pat

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