The novel "Of Mice and Men," takes place in Soledad, California. The two main characters George Milton and Lennie Small are two migrant workers with the goal that some day they will raise enough money to buy a piece of land with a rabbit hutch. George appears to be witty and wise. My first impression of George was that he was very strict. But in time I got a clearer version of him. George had promised his aunt Clara that he would take care of the mighty and strong Lennie who is infantile. Lennie's childish behavior makes him fascinated by soft objects, hence the rabbit hutch. But the fact that he is unable to control his enormous strength it gets him into a lot of problems. Nevertheless, Lennie is a nice person that never wants to hurt a person nor get into trouble. An example of Lennie's behaviour is when one of the guys at the new ranch attacks Lennie and accuses him of laughing at him. “Come on, ya big bastard. Get up on your feet. No big son-of-a-bitch is gonna laugh at me. I'll show ya who's yella.” He slashed at Lennie with his left, and then smashed down his nose with a right. “George,”he cried. “Make 'um let me alone, George.” The book begins with the two of them walking towards the next ranch. They have recently left the previous ranch because Lennie had been mistakenly accused for raping a woman, while he was touching her soft dress. Of Mice Of Men is one of those books that really captures you. When I began to read this book the first few pages didn't appeal to me. As soon as the characters are represented the book gets more interesting. The fact that Steinbeck doesn't give away the personalities of the characters right away makes us want to read more and find out more about them. He doesn't explain the characters literately but lets us judge them on the basis of the dialogues. As I went on reading I got more and more involved along with expounding sympathy for the characters. The way the author chooses to explai