Before this semester started I didn’t think that I would truly take anything from this business experience. This experience surprised me because I now know what it takes to start a business and all the hard work it requires. Through this experience I also learned more about myself than anything else. The most important aspects I took away from this program were: time management, target markets, teams, communication and develop diverse perspectives. As a business our team did well at knowing what was needed to accomplished to be successful. Our team could have did better at resolving lingering conflicts. From this program I learned more about myself and my personality than anything else. Simply because when I decided to go under sales in the business I thought it would fit perfectly because I worked in retail before. But as the semester progressed I realized that I enjoyed helping out with the set-up of workshops for people to perform and helping out with the ideas for events. Contrarily, actually performing the sales in person to get people was probably harder than expected and surprised me. I realized I had no problem talking to people, I just would prefer not to have to do it, it takes to much energy out of me to do it and I didn’t enjoy selling. I know now that I probably won’t go into a sales position as a career because I have no interest. But I am glad this program has further solidified my knowledge of myself. Furthermore this program has provided me with a hands on experience of how teams work and don’t work when there is a lack of communication. For instance, when executive board would not tell all members of the team what was going on there would be confusion and some things would not completed in a timely manner and we were less efficient, so at certain meetings we would have to do multiple tasks that were supposed to be done in previous meetings. Also time management was a huge aspect that I took from this program